Donnerstag, 4. November 2010

WS2010/2011, room 115, Guestprofessor: Angela Melitopoulos


15th of November, room 115, 4-7 pm

Roundtable 2: Presentation of student works

16th of November, room 115, 3-6 pm

Seminar/Introduction on the second part of the text ‚Heterotopies’
and the first part of 'The utopian body' by Michel Foucault

Please check you txt-files.

Presentation of the video 'Performing the Border' by Ursula Biemann

8th of November, room 115, 4-7 pm

Ground Zero One is a new format for class meetings in the WS 2010.

We try together to open, deepen and share information without being interfaced by screens.

Solidarity instead of competition is the motto of Ground Zero One.

The preliminary discussion started up with the history of this ‘Klasse’ in comparison with different art-school models in the U.S / Australia / Italy / Chile / GB ...

Some major questions became topics for the first discussion:

What means education in different systems of education in the arts?

What should be provided for the students ?

Privat vs. state universities ?

Neo-liberal concept of (art)education, language barriers and hierarchies,

exclusions in terms of class, race and/or privileges within different schoolmodels.

How to position yourself in/outside the artschool/ institiution

Please focus on these questions and prepare your possible answers for the next meeting !

9th of November, room 115, 3-6 pm

Seminar/Introduction on the first chapter of the text ‚Heterotopies’ by Michel Foucault.

Please check you txt-files.

SEMINARS WS 2010/2011 Heterotopies

Heterotopies are spaces without place or histories without chronology. Heterotopies are universes that might be impossible to trace on a map because the do not belong to a place. They are born in our heads, in the cut up of our words, in non-places, dreams or, as Foucault said, "out of the sweetness of our utopies“. But they have a reality, a determined time, they can be fixed and measured on a map or in a calender. Foucaults' concept of heterotopies largely influenced theories on mobility and migration.

We will discuss the subject in relation to videos that focus on subjectivity and mobility (films and video works by Brigitta Kuster, Ursula Biemann, Lisl Ponger, Jem Cohen, Eyal Sivan, Alessandro Sambini, Bouba Touré, Phillipe Scheffner, Chantal Akermann, MariaGiovanna Nuzzi, and others.)

Round Tables/Reading Groups/Open Source Meetings :

Every week on Monday, 4-7 pm, room 115, (not on the 22. 11 and 3.1)


Every Tuesday, 3 – 6 pm, room 115, weekly (not on the 3.11 and 23.11)

Past Seminars

October 25th , 4-7pm

First Roundtable: Janine Jambere presents two of her projects.

Allied presentation: Yara Spaett. Questions by Anna Tautfest.

October 26th, 2-6 pm,


In the Gallery ‘Gentili Apri’, Schöneberger Ufer 69


Seminar about the project Assemblages - an audiovisual research project by Angela Melitopoulos and Maurizio Lazzarato on Félix Guattari and his revolutionary psychiatric practice, his political activism as well as his ideas concerning ecosophy and interest in animism, especially in the Brazilian and Japanese context.

2nd November, room 115, 3-6 pm

Ground Zero One - preliminary discussion

A preliminary discussion for setting up and structuring topics. You should think about what is urgent for you to find out about the institution you are working in! Yara Spaett will collect all questions.’Ground Zero One’ is our platform for communicating and exchanging information collectively.

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