Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2009

23 December !

christmas and birthday evening
at 9 pm in the cafe/bar Marianne, located in Mariannenstrasse 6, Kreuzberg.

see you there

greetings yara

Sonntag, 20. Dezember 2009

No meeting tomorrow 21. Dez!


I would like to shift the class meeting tomorrow to the 4th of January
but invite you for a christmas and birthday evening this wednesday,
the 23rd of december at 9 pm in the cafe/bar Marianne, located in Mariannenstrasse 6, Kreuzberg.

I am sorry for the short notice,
I hope to see you on wednesday,

with my best regards,

Montag, 14. Dezember 2009

Tomorrow 15:Dezember Seminar canceled!!!!

ich muss morgen, am Dienstag, leider das Seminar absagen und es auf Januar verschieben, da ich erkältet bin.

mit besten Grüßen

Sonntag, 6. Dezember 2009

Update Seminar Monday 7. December

As scheduled the seminar takes place at 10 am in room 115.
We will look at an excerpt of the interview recorded with Félix Guattari in 1991 by Canal Déchainé
and the film 'Ce gamin la' on Fernand Deligny's work on autism and schizo-analytical cartographies.

See you tomorrow,
best regards
Angela Melitopoulos

Samstag, 14. November 2009

Open Seminar

Screens of Perception
Felix Guattari and the Cinema of the Institutional Psychotherapy
Guestprofessor: Angela Melitopoulos

Guattari’s thinking and practice is also a history of resistance through political movements starting at the psychiatric asylum of St. Alban during World War Second. We continue with the discussion between political movements in France taking place at the clinic of La Borde before and after 1968, ending with Guattari’s elaboration of a New Ecology in which an ‘animist’ intuition plays an important role. With a rich collection of documents and films showing the history of ’Institutional Psychotherapy’ at St. Alban and La Borde, with interviews and documents that display Guattari’s way of speaking, arguing and thinking, and with a series of interviews recorded with his dearest friends and colleagues, we will compose a series of lectures that translate Guattari’s thought in diverse media. Many filmmakers such as Jean Rouch, Fernand Deligny or René Lalou, visited and worked at the clinic of La Borde. They formed within the movement of ‚Cinema Verité’. La Borde, similarly to St. Alban during World War II, became an important meeting point for political movements, intellectuals and artists who translated their experiences into film and text.

Félix Guattari (1930 – 1992)
Félix Guattari was a French militant, institutional psychotherapist and philosopher, the founder of both Schizoanalysis and Ecosophy. Guattari is best known for his intellectual collaborations with Gilles Deleuze, most notably Anti-Oedipus (1972) and A Thousand Plateaus (1980). He strongly influenced the work of Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt, Brian Massumi and Gilles Deleuze. Guattari's post-Marxist vision of capitalism provides a new definition not only of mental illness, but also of micropolitical modes of subversion. Concepts such as ‘Micropolitics’, ’Schizoanalysis’, and ’Becoming-Woman‘ open up new horizons for political and creative resistance in the post-medial era. Guattari's energetic analysis of art, cinema, youth culture, economics, and power formations introduce a radically inventive thought-process engaged in liberating subjectivity from the standardizing and homogenizing processes of global capitalism.

Francois Tosquelles
date: 10. November, 10 am – 2 pm
location: Universität der Künste Berlin, room 115, Hardenbergerstrasse

Video : ‚Une Politique de la Folie’ by Francois Pain, 54min, 1989, and excerpts of the interview with Francois Tosquelles (raw material )

A video about the catalan psychiatrist Francois Tosquelles, the founder of the Institutional Psychotherapy at the asylum of St Alban during World War II.
The psychiatric asylum of St. Alban was the modell-clinic of La Borde, where Felix Guattari worked his entire life. The film shows French resistance fighters in St. Alban and the practice of an institutional psychotherapy that transformed the psychiatric asylum from a closed institution into an open one. This revolution in St. Alban is narrated by François Tosquelles, who was the thinker and practitioner of a form of psychiatry which broke down the walls of the hospital and allowed patients to be an active part of society.

La Borde
date: 16. November, 10 am – 2 pm
location: Universität der Künste Berlin, room 115, Hardenbergerstrasse


‚Les Dents du Singe’ by René Lalou, animation film, (1960, 11 min)
‚La Borde ou le Droit à la Folie’ , documentary by Igor Barrère (1977, 60 min)
‚Min Tanaka à la Borde’ by Joséphine Guattari and François Pain (1986, 25min)

Félix Guattari worked in the psychiatric clinic of La Borde with patients but also with peasants, workers, migrants and with artists, philosophers and activists. The clinic became a platform for the invention of and experimentation with new modes of organisation, that demonstrate fundamental interest for the schizophrenic and psychotic expressions of life. Still today, the clinic retains an idea of work organisation as a part of the institutional psychotherapy that Félix promoted with passion: everybody’s role changes; no task was attributed specifically to anyone in particular because everyone and not only the professionals had a potential for healing; everyone participated in the cure. Many filmmakers and artists discussed and worked in the clinic of La Borde.

The cinema of Fernand Deligny
date: 24. November, 10 am – 2 pm
location: Universität der Künste Berlin, room 115, Hardenbergerstrasse

Videos: Le Moindre Geste, France, 95 min , 1962-1971

Fernand Deligny considered himself a poet and an ethologist. At Armentières asylum, in Lille during World War II, in the course of the “Grande Cordée” project, and later at Cévennes, he came up with spatial tools such as open-ended mapping systems that were distinct from standard notions of cartography. He pushed limits, observed and transcribed the lines of „wanderings” of the autistic children. This “deterritorialization” preserves the notion of location. The lines of wandering are not the lines of escape nor the Rhizome of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Deligny’s references to species and ethology go hand in hand with his thought regarding the notion of territory as an environment.

Deligny considered environment as the elected ground of the autistic “lack of want”. His critique of teleology echoes the precautions of the ethologists of his time where they tackle the notion of instinct and the erroneous opposition between the acquired and the innate.


Glossarium : concepts of Felix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze
date: 1. Dezember, 10 am – 2 pm
location: Universität der Künste Berlin, room 115, Hardenbergerstrasse

Text: concepts : Assemblage of collective enuncaition (agencement collectif d’énonciation); Assemblage of collective action; schizo-analytical cartographies (cartographie schizo-analytic)
becoming,/ becoming animal (devenir/ devenir animal); molaire/moleculaire; Significant and
a-siginificant semiotics (sémiotiques signifiante et a-signifiantes); territorialisation/deterritorialisation ; production of subjectivity; chronological and non-chronological time (temps chronologique /temps non chronologique); the aesthetical paradigm

excerpts of a lecture of Felix Guattari in New York in 1992 recorded by Josephine Meckseper


Seminar with guest lecturer Maurizio Lazzarato and Francois Pain (to be confirmed)
Date: 7. December
location: Universität der Künste Berlin, room 115, Hardenbergerstrasse

Subjectivity does not reside exclusively in the subject and in language. It is disseminated to different degrees (Guattari speaks of „degrees of existence“) in nature, the cosmos, machines, in the social, etc. Intuitively, the first connection to animism can be identified here: a multiplicity of ‘foyers of human and non-human subjectivities’ that disperse the exclusive concentration of subjectivity in the human being.

Guattari’s interest in archaic cultures, the mad, children, minorities etc. demonstrates a concern with how a multiplicity of modalities (physical, ritual, verbal, visual and sexual) are put into play with one another in an autonomous and non-hierarchical relationship. None of these levels takes precedence or has power over the other, whereas in modernity all polyphony of expression, the richness and poly-semantic levels of the word, gestures, singing, the voice, the image, etc., become interdependant and subordinated in a hierarchy that is established by the signifiers of a language that reproduces a specific consciousness and a representation of the individual subject.

Videos : Francois Pain about his artistic practice in the clinic of La Borde (1965-1987)
Video interview with Félix Guattari on the Gulf War 1991 recorded by Canal Déchainé Paris


Seminar with guest lecturer Francois Pain (to be confirmed)

Date: 15. December
location: Universität der Künste Berlin, room 115, Hardenbergerstrasse

videos and text

Lygia Clarke
date: 5. January, 10 am – 2 pm
location: Universität der Künste Berlin, room 115, Hardenbergerstrasse

videos and text

date: 11. January, 10 am – 2 pm
location: Universität der Künste Berlin, room 115, Hardenbergerstrasse
Text by Elisabeth von Samsonov

Corridor X by Angela Melitopoulos (to be confirmed)
date: 19. January, 10 am – 2 pm
location: Universität der Künste Berlin, room 115, Hardenbergerstrasse

Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2009

Mon. 26.10, 4 Pm Meeting of all students ex-douglas-steyerl! welcome all new students! Room115

What`s Up with the Klasse?
We want to discuss what was happening the last months, where we are now and what can happen in the future.

Greetings Yara

Information WS 2009/2010 Angela Melitopoulos

Room 115, Universität der Künste Berlin Hardenbergstr. 33 (public)
(Please check email klassedouglas before each event)


Screens of Perception
Felix Guattari and the Cinema of the Institutional Psychotherapy

The lectures will bring together films and theoretical text on the subject of Felix Guattari and the Cinema of the Institutional Psychotherapy. Inputs can be given for the Glossarial on December, 1st in which some of the theoretical concepts of Felix Guattari are discussed point by point. Inputs on artistic strategies can be given any time. During the semester, works and projects by Angela Melitopoulos will be shown and discussed on two different dates.

Dates : 10. November, 10 am – 2 pm
16. November, 10 am – 2 pm
24. November, 10 am – 2 pm
1. December, 10 am – 2 pm
7. December, 10 am – 2 pm (guests Maurizio Lazzarato & Francois Pain)
15. December, 10 am – 2 pm
5. January, 10 am – 2 pm
11. January, 10 am – 2 pm
19. January, 10 am – 2 pm

Roundtables (Klassentreffen)
Room 115, Universität der Künste Berlin Hardenbergstr. 33
(Please contact Yara Spaett for your participation and your inscription in the schedule. (raum98_114@yahoo.de)

The roundtable format is organized as a collective discussion platform for students to present their projects and discuss them with the plenum. Each presentation is linked to two additional collaborative inputs with students of the class, colleagues or invited guests. The first operates as a ‚respondent’ (bringing up crucial points / questions in relation to the topic), the second elaborates a short input on artistic practice, technical questions or on a theoretical question that relates to the presented project. The short inputs should be prepared together with the student lecturer beforehand. After the presentation, all participants of the roundtable are invited for discussopn. We can schedule two presentations for each roundtable.

Dates : 19. October, 2 pm – 5 pm
9. November, 2 pm – 5 pm
23. November, 2 pm – 5 pm
14. December, 2 pm – 5 pm
21. December, 2 pm – 5 pm
4. Januar , 2 pm – 5 pm
18. Januar , 2 pm – 5 pm

Tutorials are scheduled after the lectures. Please contact raum98_114@yahoo.de!

Technical Tutorials

Seminare im Wintersemester 09 / Seminars in winter 09

hello everybody,

below the seminars for the next semester. The after effects and the color management workshops have limited space, the students from the class have precedence, but i'll have to know in the next two weeks if you want to attend, so let me know.

++ christoph


Stilistische Elemente im Film
Filmemachen ist vielleicht eine der komplexesten Formen um etwas künstlerisch auszudrücken - es gibt tausende von Ebenen und Elementen die zusammen den endgültigen Eindruck beinflussen.
Wir werden verschiedene Beispiele aus der Geschichte des Kinos anschauen und besprechen wie stilistische Elemente beim Film eingesetzt werden können.
Dieses Seminar ist nicht so sehr als Anleitung zum Filmemachen gedacht, sondern soll Erkenntnisse und Inspirationen geben wie verschiedene Ansätze zu sehr verschiedenen Resultaten führen können.
Themen sind unter anderem:
- Auflösung
- Kamerabewegungen
- Plansequenzen
- Mise-en-scène
- Cadrage
- Perspektive
- Licht und Schatten
- Ton und Stille
- Schnitt

Stylistic elements in film
Making a film is possibly one of the most complex forms to express something artistically - there are a myriad of different layers and elements that influence the final impression.
Looking at many different examples from the history of cinema, we'll be discussing stylistic elements that can be used in creating films.
This seminar is less meant to be a how-to in film making, but rather to provide insights and inspiration about how various approaches can give completely different visual and emotional results.
Topics include:
- Scene breakdown
- Camera movements
- Sequence Shots
- Mise-en-scène
- Cadrage
- Perspective / Viewpoint
- Light and shadows
- Sound and Silence
- Editing

14:00 bis 18:00
15.10.2009 bis 04.02.2010
Ha33 - 115


Farbtheorie und Farbmanagement in digitalen Medien
Die Wahrnehmung von Farbe wie wir sie wahrnehmen hat hängt ebenso von psychologischen und philosophischen Faktoren ab wie von mathematischen und physikalischen.
Dieses Seminar soll dazu dienen die darunterliegenden Prinzipien und Probleme zu verstehen und wie digitales Farbmanagement benutzt werden kann um die Farben konsistent zu halten.
Im ersten Teil geht es dabei mehr um die theoretischen Grundlagen während im zweiten die Anwendung auf digitale Kameras, Scans und Prints diskutiert werden soll.

Colour theory and management in the digital media
The appearance of colours as we see them has just as much to do with philosophy, psychology and perception as it has with science and mathematics.
This seminar is intended to help understanding the underlining principles and problems and how to use digital color management to keep colours consistent. The first part will be more about the theory behind it, in the second we'll look on how to apply it in practice considering digital cameras, film scans and printing.

13:30 bis 16:30
21.10.2009 bis 11.11.2009
Ha33 - 098


Arbeiten mit After Effects
After Effects hat sich von einem Programm das hauptsächlich für motion graphics verwendet wurde zu einem der vielseitigsten Werkzeuge für die Film und Video post-produktion weiterentwickelt. Es kann unter anderem zur Titelherstellung verwendet werden, zur Farbkorrektur, für komplexes Compositing bis zu Arbeiten in 3D Räumen.
Dieser Workshop soll dazu dienen einen Überblick zu geben was alles gemacht werden kann und ist an Studenten gerichtet die interessiert sind an der fortgeschrittenen Bearbeitung von Film und Videomaterial. Gute Kenntnisse in Photoshop und den Grundlagen von digitalem Video werden vorausgesetzt.

Working with After Effects
After Effect has matured from an application focused mainly on motion graphics to one of the most powerful film and video postproduction tools. It can be used for many different things like creating titles, doing color correction, complex compositing, and even 3D setups.
This workshop is meant to give an overview of what can be done and is targeted at students who are interested in learning advanced manipulation of film and video footage. Good knowledge in Photoshop and the principles of digital video is required.

13:30 bis 16:30
25.11.2009 bis 16.12.2009
Ha33 - 255